Monday, June 30, 2014

Son's Of Israel- May Their Memories Be A Blessing

 I am not a writer, I have no such claim to fame, I am writing  as a mother and a grandmother, as a British Israeli citizen, as a Jewess, I am writing this simply  from my heart.  

Just over three weeks ago in a spot less than seven minutes from the place I call home, three teenage boys were kidnapped.

In the space of the past eighteen days the names of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frankel, have become household names not only in Israel but across the world.

An international "Bring Back our Boys" social media campaign sprung up within hours of their kidnapping.

Side by side religious and non-religious Jews, and non-Jews prayed and called out for the return of these young men; people who would normally not have any thing in common,came together in unity and solidarity of one cause to return the boys to their parents.

It is said that when one Jew cries we all cry , as we are intrinsically  linked. Over the past 18 days we cried out with one soul with one being, these boys are our boys, they are part of our nation and belonged to each and every one of us.

Within the past 18 days  the mothers of the boys have been catapulted unwittingly into fame as they spoke about their sons and asked people to pray for their return; the strength and faith of these women have captured the imagination of the world. "Hashem does not work for us" is the unforgettable line that Mrs. Rachel Frenkel gave us; meaning we have to do his bidding and his will, not him ours.

For 18 days these boys brought Kla Yisroel together, we took on extra mitzvoth, gave tzedakah baked challah, and stormed the gates of heaven in the name of  Eyal, Gilad and Naftali.

For 18 days, tirelessly members of the IDF and volunteers have searched every nook and cranny in the Gush for these young men.

For 18 days we had faith and spoke of little else but our boys.

This is a small country, one does not have to look far to find someone who knows, or is related to one of   these three families in this small nation, we the parents and grand parents of Israel were as one almost paralyzed with fear as we spoke with bated breath about our boys. 

Tonight, the devastating news came that the bodies of our boys, our sons, Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frankel, were found less than 20 minutes from my home.

My heart is weary, this is not the first recent  mindless  act of terrorism to target young people in this area , in April  2009, Shlomo Nativ, aged 13 was murdered with an axed  in cold blood in the center of Bat Ayin the village where I live, bringing unbelievable heartache to our community, the murder of Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali opens old wounds.

For eighteen days Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frankel  kept us united. 
Please let us continue in their memory to show solidarity;  promise  to be kind to one another;  lets avenge their death with love and  unity, cohesion and harmony  not random acts of mindless hatred and violence .

Tonight all over the world there are parents who can kiss there kids good night, there are  parents who can send at the very least send their sons and dauters an SMS to say I love you, safe in the knowledge that their child of whatever age is alive. Tonight in the heart of Israel are three families who will never be able to do that again.

Tonight as the relatives and friends of Eyal, Gilad and Naftali, cope with their devastating loss,and prepare to morn, we the mothers and fathers grandmothers and grandfathers of Israel morn with you; your loss is our loss, we cry with you and share your pain for it is our pain too.

Our hearts, love and prayers must be with families  Frankel, Shaar,& Yifrach, May he who comforts all the mourners of Zion comfort all Zion for the loss of the three young boys who so many of us never met but took into our hearts. 

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