Yesterdays, Todays and Tomorrows

Yesterday morning, I woke up drank my tea, and reflected on the day ahead; the sun shone; not remarkable for the time of the year in Israel;
 I selected clothes to wear, (not an easy task having left over 84 lbs since my grandsons Brit a year ago.)  I chose a top that gave me a waistline an act of pure fortuitous selection   which caught me  unusually glancing  in mirrors  through out the day.
Yesterday was a big day, I walked  slowly with a friend in the  spring sunshine to Shul, not a long way but a mammoth  undertaking , I was delighted that the walk took less time than estimated, and I needed less breathing stops than originally planned.
I wanted to Bentch Gomal, to say the prayer that one says when recovering from a dangerous situation, as it was seven weeks since my major surgery  the time had come to sincerely thank Hashem for my recovery.  The prayer is small  but powerful, as I stood there reading the prayer out loud surrounded by the women from the Yeshuve who had davened daily for my health and wellbeing, I was overwhelmed, and glad that  I was among these strong women, women who’s care for me was undisputed, I was so grateful   I had got that far.
My recovery is by no means complete, despite three in patient stays in hospital within six weeks , I am making progress, and that’s enormous
I stayed in Shul for Parsha Zocher  , then sat outside the beautiful rustic Bat Ayin Bet Kenneset, reconnecting with members of the community that I hadn’t   seen in an age . Seeing people was great, It even outweighed the risk of catching something as my suppressed immune system, drank up the viruses that were floating around , (and knowing my immune system stored them for future use!)
Yesterday was a day of firsts, the first time I had managed to get to shul  within a year, the first time I could actually have Kiddush  wine in eight weeks, the first sip of whiskey I had in twelve weeks, the first time I got down the hill to friends for Shabbat lunch in six months, my first proper non liquidized Shabbat lunch in seven weeks, and my first late night (after hearing the magilla in the small Chabad Shul in Bat Ayin.) in four months. What a challenging and exciting day.
Today is Purim, I have a sore throat, I am exhausted, I attended a private  Magilla reading ,( the advantage of living on the Rav’s land!)  I have given my “mattanot la-evyonim”  poney to the poor, and will spend the day sleeping and resting , while thinking of my Purim grandson born a year ago today. Last year when I held him for the first time , I didn’t know what the year ahead would bring.  Today I have  no more  insight to the year ahead
Today my heart is light,  although today my body is tired, today  members of the community, bring me gifts of well thought out “mishloach manot”, tuna,olive oil, roasted  chicken  tahinia. apple sauce chicken soup vegetable soup ! Today will be low key, today I am a student of life.

Yesterday was a  very very big day; However  today is bigger as I acknowledge that I am human, although  my body is not as strong as I would wish, I can  still fulfill the mitzvahs of Purim .Yesterday I tested the waters, but today I will not only learn to pace myself, I will  put my healing plan into action  in order that my tomorrows are many and fun filled.