Monday, December 31, 2012

Counting the Blessings...


2012 has passed never to be repeated.  it was a roller-coaster of a year, not only for myself but for many other I know dealing with health other issues.

It was  a year of highs and lows, its easy to be negative , but thankfully that is not my nature therefore I have to say on reflection 2012  was a year of mostly a year of gratitude and blessings.

I am  sitting here in Israel on the first day of 2013 counting my blessings.

I am blessed with such amazing good friends.
I am blessed  with living an an age when technology  makes it easier  to live away from family and friends,because in a touch of a button they are near or with you. 

I am blessed with living less than 45 minutes from the old city of Jerusalem &  the kottel.( western wall). 

I am blessed with a good brain ( I think although I don't always use it) a quick wit, an open mind and heart.

I am blessed that I live in an area of outstanding   beauty, of countryside and  its people.

I am blessed with the most amazing  and dedicated medical team who really do  care not just about me but about all their patients.

I am so blessed that I can see the hand of Hashem in so many parts of my every day life.

I am blessed to have seen my son grow into a mature, responsible  nurturing & careing  loving husband and father.

I am blessed with a witty, beautiful and intelligent daughter in law who is the most amazing mother to my biggest blessings of all my beautiful wonderful Grandchildren (who I don't see enough of) but when I see them make me count my blessing 1,000000 time plus a day.

2012 might have been a hard year  but it was also a one of blessings . What is in your gratitude jar today? 

I wish all my dear family and friends near and far a happy, healthy, 2013  may it be a year filled with strength  wisdom  love, laughter, magic moments , and a multitude of  countable blessing.

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