Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm Proud of You

Recently I spoke to my son and said to him, “I’m proud of you”…”Why ?”he asked . I am proud of you because at the age of 27, you are a healthy normal young man. I am proud of you because you are a good husband and excellent father. I am proud of you because you are employed in a job you love. I am proud of you because you have established yourself in a new country, new city, and contribute in your own not so little way to the community when ever you can. I am proud of you because you wear your Kippa with pride all the time. I am proud of you because you don’t indulge in any anti social behavior, do drugs or overdo booze. I am proud of you because you have provided your wife and son with a home, shelter on your own back. I am proud of you for your strong sense of right and wrong. I am proud of your artistic skills, the way you cook, photograph , your eye for colour, your writing skills. I am proud of you for your wacky sense of humor I am proud of you for the way you are loyal to your friends. I am proud of you because you have got where you are despite a rocky start despite the chips being stacked against you educationally , financially and socially you have succeeded in becoming your own man, you haven’t opted out of society, but are very much part of it. I am proud of you in a million ways every second of every day. So when I say I am proud of you , please don’t dismiss it, please don’t say why? Just allow your mother to say quite simply I love you and I am so so proud of you because you are you….